Root Canal Treatment

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Root canal treatment rids the inner tooth of infection by removing the pulp and carefully cleaning and disinfecting the root canal. 

After this procedure, the tooth needs to be sealed and strengthened to prevent future infections or breakage and save the tooth from extraction. A crown placed over the remaining structure is the best way to protect the tooth and ensure long lasting health. 

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

It may be a sign of infection in the nerve of your tooth as a result of the decay process.

Do you have tooth sensitivity?

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Lingering sensitivity of 10 seconds or longer to pressure or temperature changes may trigger pain or discomfort.

Is your jaw sensitive to the touch and sore?

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Infection from a tooth will spread to the rest of your body. At this point, you will feel pain in your neck and jaw.

Is there an untreated tooth in your mouth, broken or chipped?

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Small chips and breaks in your teeth give bacteria a place to hide and fester decay and infection. The best option is a root canal and a crown for a healthy tooth that fits in naturally with your other teeth.

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