What You Need to Know About Crowns and Bridges

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Your dentist wants you to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible. When you’re dealing with a cavity or another dental issue, we often recommend a white filling. But if you’re suffering from advanced decay or have more filling than tooth structure, it puts your tooth at risk of cracks, breaks, and other issues.

We don’t want that to happen.

Our crowns are designed with a custom approach to restore the strength, health, and aesthetics of your smile. With technologically advanced equipment and extra attention paid to your comfort during treatment, we will ensure that restoring your dental crown is simple and successful.

Everything you need to Know About Dental Crown

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.
  • What is a Dental Crown?

    A dental crown covers the entire visible portion of a tooth, protecting its remaining structure and restoring its original shape, size, and color.

  • Is getting a dental crown painful?

    You may think dental crown treatments are only for people with extreme dental problems, but thanks to advanced technology and improved techniques they've become simpler, easier, and more tolerable than ever. We also provide a variety of sedation dentistry options for anxious patients, but if the patient does not require pain relief or anesthesia, numbing gel and local anesthetic is usually enough.

  • Do I need a dental crown?

    A dental crown is needed for severe tooth decay, when there are more cavities than natural tooth structure. The tooth will be brittle and at risk of breaking.

    A crown is placed over the tooth to protect it from wear and tear when you chew. You may also need a crown after having either root canal treatment or dental implant surgery.

  • How long does a dental crown last?

    As long as they are properly cared for, our crowns are designed to last for 15-plus years.

  • What to do if you break or damage a crown

    Contact us if you have an old crown that is cracked, feels too loose, or fell out. We may be able to bond it back in place or replace it entirely.

Dental Bridges

Most commonly, a dental bridge replaces two teeth but can replace up to four.  There are advantages and risks to a dental bridge. 

The advantages include: 

  • It replaces your missing teeth. 
  • It restores function for chewing and speaking properly
  • It prevents your remaining teeth from shifting, which causes problems in your bite. 
  • It reduces the risk of bone loss, thus maintaining the structure of your face. 
  • Bridges are permanently fixed and do not move about like dentures.

The risks include:  

  • An ill-fitting bridge can cause decay of the tooth under the crown.
  • There is a reduction in the structures of the natural healthy teeth that accommodate the appliance in place. 
  • The restoration can collapse if the supporting teeth are not strong enough. 
  • As the name implies, the dental bridge is used to "bridge" the gap between teeth when tooth loss has occurred.

Three crowns form the appliance. The crowns at each end function as anchorage to healthy adjacent teeth on each side of the gap, and the middle crown serves as a false tooth to replace the one or two missing teeth. Dental implants may be necessary if the adjacent teeth are not healthy enough. 

The dental bridge is fixed, cemented on the healthy adjacent teeth or a dental implant. The bridge consists of metals, fold and silver, with porcelain fused to the metal.

The Procedure

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.
  1. Local anesthetic is injected into the teeth being used as anchors. 
  2. The anchor teeth are reshaped and sized to accommodate the crowns that will hold the appliance in place.
  3. A dental impression of the anchors is made and used to manufacture a custom-fit dental bridge.
  4. Once the fitting is precise, it is permanently cemented in place.

The Procedure

A close up of a white pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

Local anesthetic is injected into the teeth being used as anchors. 

The anchor teeth are reshaped and sized to accommodate the crowns that will hold the appliance in place. 

A dental impression of the anchors is made and used to manufacture a custom-fit dental bridge. 

Once the fitting is precise, it is permanently cemented in place.

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